Summer in the Studio


I really enjoy the long summer days in the studio. Currently I’m working on paintings for the upcoming Sausalito Art Festival, September 5-7. Pictured here are 3 paintings at various stages of development.

Hanging work side by side in the studio provides several things:
A. Consistency within a body of work.
B. Allows for comparing the work. The strongest work then becomes the        barometer for the other work to be measured against.
C. Increased productivity.

For those interested in art workshops at my studio, I’ll be posting a new schedule sometime in August. Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “Summer in the Studio”

  1. Hi I’m a friend of Lucia Antonelli and would like to be included in the upcoming one day workshop. I have been a realistic/impressionistic painter for years but would like to try abstract so that I may combine both in my work.

  2. H, Chris,
    I am a new painter! Since March 2014! I LOVE to paint! I am jewelry designer by profession…4o years…but have been creative since birth!
    I would love to do a workshop with you. I love abstract, but I need guidance. I have yet to find my painting voice, but I believe there is promise!
    Can I be put on an email list for future workshops? I know I have seen you at Sausalito. I love you work! It really resonates with me!

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