After the Fire

The devastation from the fires has changed Sonoma County. Many artists including myself have lost homes and studios. I wanted to let those of you following me that my family and I are OK, we even had a miracle in finding our 2 cats alive about a week later in the local animal shelter. These cats really do have nine lives. This event has shaken me and loved ones to the core, but I really believe much good will follow, and our community will grow closer from this.

Part of the process in healing is creating a sense of normalcy. For myself and other artists that means continuing to create and show our work. There is one more weekend left of Art Trails open studios. For you this is an opportunity to come out and see the artists in there studios, and possibly purchase work. Many artists have worked all year for this. Though all of my work in my studio was lost to the fire, I have other work to be seen at Terra Firma gallery on the square in Sonoma. Please share your thoughts by leaving a reply below.

Terra Firma Gallery
452 First St. East
Sonoma CA 95476     707-938-2200

Hours Open: 10-6pm  Saturday & Sunday

“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the   cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives? When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. ” – Khalil Gibran

13 thoughts on “After the Fire”

  1. Chris, I am so sorry to hear that you lost all. I have a guest house that you all could stay in for a few months if that would be helpful. Or you could possibly set up your studio there on a longer term basis. I’m sure it will be important for you to continue making art. Please contact me if you are interested.

  2. Hi Chris…I didn’t know that you moved your studio and was shocked and saddened to hear you lost your home and all of your amazing art in the fires that devastated so many areas of Santa Rosa. My heart goes out to you and your family and I will be praying for you over the coming weeks and months. I too am one of the people who have the privilege to admire one of your beautiful paintings on our family room wall every single day and am filled with joy and happiness every time I gaze at it. It is hard not to think about you, the artist, who created it and I feel blessed to own a piece of your work. I wish you all the best in your endeavors to rebuild and may the community come together to help each other heal and grow and have strength to return to a normal and happy life. I hope to see you soon. Jeri Phillips

    1. Thanks Jeri, nice to hear from you and I’m glad to hear the artwork continues to bring you joy. Thank you for your blessings.

  3. Chris,

    Wow. You are nothing if not resilient. And positive.

    We are sorry for your losses.
    Wishing you peace and healing and a successful rebuilding.

    George and Art

  4. Hi Chris, I was so sorry to hear that you lost your home and studio, but relieved to know that you and your family were safe. I think of you every time I walk by that big, beautiful abstract work of yours, hanging in our house. I wish you much strength and healing now and in the months of recovery ahead. Sending hugs from Colorado.
    ps-I was really happy to see that you found your cats.

  5. Family is what matters most. The rest can be rebuilt. Glad to hear your family is OK. Please pet your cats for us.

  6. Chris, I’m so, so sorry for your loss. My love and prayers are going out to you, and all the artists who were effected by the fires. Do you know of a resource where we can connect with the artists who lost materials and donate art supplies?

    I’m very happy you found your cats!

  7. Hi Chris, thanks for the after the fire photo and the wonderful update. It was beautifully written. I know you and the other artists in Santa Rosa will be turning out some of their best work in the coming year.
    All my best!

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