Summer in the Studio


I really enjoy the long summer days in the studio. Currently I’m working on paintings for the upcoming Sausalito Art Festival, September 5-7. Pictured here are 3 paintings at various stages of development.

Hanging work side by side in the studio provides several things:
A. Consistency within a body of work.
B. Allows for comparing the work. The strongest work then becomes the        barometer for the other work to be measured against.
C. Increased productivity.

For those interested in art workshops at my studio, I’ll be posting a new schedule sometime in August. Stay tuned.

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Come Paint In My Studio

9.18.15-2-paintings-in-progressFor those of you thinking about doing an art workshop, this coming weekend there is room available for either Saturday, May 23rd 10-5pm, or Sunday, May 24th 1-4:30pm.

The next series of workshops will be scheduled beginning late October. I will be putting out the new schedule later this summer. Please contact me here asap if interested in attending a workshop this weekend.


This summer, I will be preparing for the Sausalito Art Festival and Art Trails. Also, I am working on commissioned paintings. 



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Hansel Toyota Commission

Recently completed work. Triptych installed at the new Hansel Toyota  showroom in Petaluma, CA. 3 panels – 54″ x 68″ each panel.


If you are curious or interested in participating in a workshop at my studio, you can get more information on my website here. Classes are scheduled thru the end of May. 

(Note: If you are using a smart phone, when you get to my website you will find workshops under the information tab.)

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