“Can I Be Patient”

Recently, I have been commissioned to paint a large mixed media triptych (3 panel painting) that once installed will cover most of an 18 ft. wall that will be visible to the public. The image here is a glimpse of the first panel. I’ll be sharing the context and details of where and when it can be seen in future posts. 

I want to share with you my experience about an aspect of patience as an artist. Not being patient can be a good thing. It can mean you’re inspired and can’t wait to work. I’m not talking about that kind of patience. The kind of patience I am talking about has to do with being patient with your work having to be finished. What I experience at some point during the development of a piece is a period or several periods of confront, or uneasiness, a yearning to arrive at some destination. Anybody that practices his or her creative thing can attest to this. After all I am attempting to create something new, inspiring and soulful. I’ve put in many hours, and it looks pretty good. But that’s not enough for me; I want it to be more. The internal dialogue starts ramping up. So why can’t I make it work? What’s missing that would bring about that ah ha moment? Should I start over? Sometimes the 5 yr. old in me decides to show up and let me know that I really @%$#%@ !!! Other times releasing my 5 yr. old is a way to free myself up. That’s not the 5 yr. old I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the disempowering voice that takes over. It’s a tricky business being a painter, especially when creating abstract work, as there are many places one could stop and say it’s complete. I read that Willem de Kooning spent over a year painting, reworking, and contemplating Woman, I (1950-52).

From many years of painting I say there is an internal muscle that gets developed. I label it patience and trust. Without it many creative endeavors end up marginalized or worse, never finished. It’s a muscle that just notices the impatience like an old friend, and doesn’t resist the feeling. Once I embrace it, I usually have an impulse as to what there is to do next.

 If you are curious or interested in participating in a workshop at my studio, you can get more information on my website here. Classes are scheduled thru the end of May.

(Note: If you are using a smart phone, when you get to my website you will find workshops under the information tab.) 


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New Work

New Work – “Conscious of the Feminine” mixed media and oil 6ft. x 6ft.

I’m excited to share the completion of my largest work to date. Next week it will be available to see at Terra Firma gallery in Sonoma, CA. I’ve included two images below showing a couple of stages in the development of the painting.

Feminine-2Here I have just started adding a white primer to the wood braced panel. Prior to this I sealed the entire panel, front and back, by brushing on a coat of clear shellac.


I took this photo when the work was about halfway complete. For this piece I added many layers of paint, including both acrylic then oil. Other materials included here are bronze sheeting, pumice, archival ink, glues, and polyurethane. In between adding layers of paint I would sometimes sand and partially remove areas that I felt needed to either be softened, or I wanted to represent a passing of time. From start to finish this painting was created over a 2 month period.

If you are curious or interested in participating in a workshop at my studio, you can get more information on my website here. Classes are scheduled thru the end of May.
(Note: If you are using a smart phone, when you get to my website you will find workshops under the information tab.) 

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Studio Art Workshops


Hi Everyone,
Is 2015 the year you start making art again? Does painting and making art sound fun to you? If so, come play and explore your creative side at a workshop in my studio. 

Introductory Mixed Media Workshop
This fun, concentrated workshop will have you exploring and practicing ideas and techniques used in creating mixed media abstract art. I will be sharing methods to approach composition, color and texture, while discussing intuition, and letting go. All paint and materials are provided. You may bring any water-soluble paints you like to work with, but not needed.
All skill levels welcomed-No artistic experience necessary. All that is needed is a positive attitude and a willingness to play. 
Hours: 1 – 4:30 pm 
Cost for this workshop – 75.00 (15% discount for signing up for two or more workshops in advance.) 

All Day Saturday Mixed Media Workshop
In this fun, exploratory workshop you’ll have all day to express your creativity as I share my approach to creating mixed media abstract art. All paint and materials are provided. You may bring any water-soluble paints you like to work with, but not needed.
This workshop has an option to bring something you are working on.
Note: If you want to bring large work, you’ll need to let me know the size to make sure there is enough room in the studio. Also if you want to work vertical, you will need to bring your own easel, and possibly larger brushes.
All skill levels welcomed-No artistic experience necessary. All that is needed is a positive attitude and a willingness to play. 
Hours: 10 – 5 pm 
Light lunch provided with non-vegan and vegan options. 
Cost for each workshop – 195.00 (15% discount for signing up for two or more workshops in advance.) 

Half Day Workshop Painting and Collage
In this workshop there will be a little more focus on adding collage to your work as I share my methods to approach composition, color and texture to create abstract art. All paint and materials are provided. You may bring any magazine/print images or water-soluble paints you like to work with, but not needed.

All skill levels welcomed-No artistic experience necessary. All that is needed is a positive attitude and a willingness to play.
Hours: 1 – 4:30 pm
Cost for this workshop – 75.00 (15% discount for signing up for two or more workshops in advance.)

“Chris Henry’s workshops have been a major leaping point for me as an artist. After not having painted for 30 years it was the perfect opportunity to get reacquainted with the whole process. Chris is hugely generous with his students in terms of sharing his techniques and years of experimentation with a variety of materials. The classes are relaxed yet highly informative and productive. Chris creates a space where every participant gets what they need regardless of their level of experience.”
Lori A.

Here is the 2015 schedule for art workshops thru May,

January 24th Introductory Mixed Media Workshop / Saturday 1–4:30
January 31st All Day Saturday Mixed Media Workshop / 10–5
February 1st Half Day Workshop Painting and Collage / Sunday 1–4:30 

February 21st Introductory Mixed Media Workshop / Saturday 1–4:30 
February 28th All Day Saturday Mixed Media Workshop / 10–5 
March 1st Half Day Workshop Painting and Collage / Sunday 1–4:30 

March 21st Introductory Mixed Media Workshop / Saturday 1–4:30
March 28th All Day Saturday Mixed Media Workshop / 10–5 
March 29th Half Day Workshop Painting and Collage / Sunday 1–4:30 

April 18th Introductory Mixed Media Workshop / Saturday 1–4:30 
April 25th All Day Saturday mixed Media Workshop / 10–5 
April 26th Half Day Workshop Painting and Collage / Sunday 1–4:30 

May 16th Introductory Mixed Media Workshop / Saturday 1–4:30 
May 23rd All Day Saturday Mixed Media Workshop / 10–5 
May 24th Half Day Workshop Painting and Collage / Sunday 1–4:30

“First of all, I just want to thank you again for the workshop. I got a lot out of it! The very next day, I went to the studio to work on something that’s been on my easel for over 9 months, and, with trepidation in my heart and hands, laid down an abstract background of shapes, colors, darks and lights etc just like you showed us. Oh my God, was I ever nervous! But it turned out great and just started making itself from there. Cool!”

Interested? Visit my website to listen to a testimonial and see my work.
To sign up or if you have questions, please reply by email chenry@sonic.net or call (707) 478-8150
Space is limited. Please sign up early to reserve a space.
Cancellation policy: Minimum notice 15 days required for refund.



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