Inspired work


This is a new painting that is the part of a series of new works named “Not Retro”. I was inspired by a sculpture artist I saw many years ago at an art festival. What I remembered the artist doing was using metal with rivets that reminded me of small sections of an airplane. He would then finish the work by painting color and a minimal design on the metal surface. Something about the feel of the work stayed with me, and as lead me to contextualize and create this new series. One of the new things I am doing is using letters to create abstract forms or designs. As with all my work, I want the viewer to question or think about what they are seeing, while inviting any interpretation or story that is evoked.

It’s almost that time again, where I open up my studio for Art Trails Open Studios. Mark your calendars, and come see my latest work. October 8, 9, 15 and 16, 2016.  

Art Trails logo for back of card


One thought on “Inspired work”

  1. Very Kyoto
    I close my eyes to only see.
    I follow a path within a tree.
    Roots go deep to innerspace.
    Color brings satisfaction to my face.
    Nothing is everything for me and you.
    A trip Down the Emperor’s Road.
    Thank You

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