Giving space for creativity

Emerging-self-12x12                                                        “Emerging Self” 12’x 12″

As an artist showing up to do the creative thing on a consistent basis, I have found that there is a need to take time to go away and recharge my creative battery. I know when ideas or inspiration are lacking that it’s time to break up my routine. That is when I decide it’s time to go to the all powerful list. OK, you got me. I really don’t have a list written down, but I put one together just to share with you.
Here is my list of things to do to recharge :

  1. Get out of the studio and see other art
  2. Take a nap
  3. Re-examine your intentions and vision for your work.
  4. Drink some coffee
  5. Meditate
  6. Exercise
  7. Call a friend
  8. Go for a walk
  9. Did I say take a nap?
  10. Read something inspiring
  11. Go to the park and look at nature
  12. Go see a movie
  13. Take an art workshop – I know just the one to take.
  14. Drink more coffee
  15. Call your supportive spouse or partner
  16. Call my dad (that ones for you dad)

Sometimes I need to employ several items if I am really flat. You have to be honest with yourself as to when it’s recharging or when it has become work avoidance. Only you can say. When you have a show or commission deadline, it becomes more difficult to take those breaks. What I have found is by taking smart breaks, work flows more easily, and I get more done.

I’m curious what you do to recharge? Leave a reply below. 


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