
I looked up Websters definition of “creation.” I found several meanings, and for this blog I decided to focus on the first one. This is what I found.

1 : the act of CREATING; especially : the act of bringing the world into ordered existence

It’s been 4 months since the wildfires ignited and wreaked havoc thru Sonoma county. In case you didn’t know, like many others we lost our home and possessions, which included a newly renovated art studio. Since then we were very fortunate to find a local rental to move into, thanks to my brother Seann noticing and alerting us to a vacant rental house in his neighborhood. Not to mention he called us in the middle of the night, and woke us up 20 minutes before the Tubbs fire engulfed our home in Coffey park. Otherwise this blog may not be happening.

Since that fateful October night, my partner and I have spent some time healing, reflecting, and dealing with the insurance process, while creating plans to rebuild a newly designed home, and art studio. My other sibling, Bard, who happens to be a contractor, and a draftsman has been creating the blueprint for the project. You really do get present to how fortunate you are, having loved ones around you before and after a disaster.

I have also been able to find an awesome new artist community and art studio over at Fulton Crossing in Santa Rosa. I’m currently in a small studio, and will be moving to a larger space in the coming weeks that is on the other side of the complex. I came here with some hesitation, and can now see that this is a good fit. I’ll send out an invite once I get settled and have some work in progress.

Regarding work, I recently finished two commissioned paintings for a couple in Sonoma, and currently I am working on some smaller works for Terra Firma Gallery and a larger piece that is inspired from the charred ash and debris that was our home.

Right now, for me this is how I am bringing the world into ordered existence.

Upcoming Event:
Day on the Green at the Village
Join us for a day of original Art and Music
When: Saturday, April 28
Where: Montgomery Village
11am to 4 pm in Village Court

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After the Fire

The devastation from the fires has changed Sonoma County. Many artists including myself have lost homes and studios. I wanted to let those of you following me that my family and I are OK, we even had a miracle in finding our 2 cats alive about a week later in the local animal shelter. These cats really do have nine lives. This event has shaken me and loved ones to the core, but I really believe much good will follow, and our community will grow closer from this.

Part of the process in healing is creating a sense of normalcy. For myself and other artists that means continuing to create and show our work. There is one more weekend left of Art Trails open studios. For you this is an opportunity to come out and see the artists in there studios, and possibly purchase work. Many artists have worked all year for this. Though all of my work in my studio was lost to the fire, I have other work to be seen at Terra Firma gallery on the square in Sonoma. Please share your thoughts by leaving a reply below.

Terra Firma Gallery
452 First St. East
Sonoma CA 95476     707-938-2200

Hours Open: 10-6pm  Saturday & Sunday

“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the   cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives? When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. ” – Khalil Gibran

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Layer It

For me, creating new work really starts to get interesting after applying several layers of paint and materials. When people visit my studio, they may notice my smock. Some will say they want it, exclaiming “it’s a piece of art!” Here I have photographed a cross section of an area near the front pocket. I chose this area because It has a lot of layers of paint, glue and other materials that come from attempting to clean my hands, and tools. Who knows, maybe I should frame my smock?

Currently I am working on new work for an upcoming show at Terra Firma Gallery with an opening reception on August 26. More details to follow.

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