Building Momentum


After slowing down with my creative output over the holidays. I have started to create a new series of paintings that are organic and very textural. Meaning many layers of paint, earthy colors and other materials.

I believe my wanting to get back to something earthy is due to the fact that lately I have spent a good amount of time looking at a computer screen. Recently I re-built and updated my wife’s salon website. ( This was an enjoyable challenge as it is the first site I built from a WordPress platform. I have to give a shout out to my friend Bob, without his expertise and guidance I’d still be struggling to finish the site.

When comparing designing a website, to making a painting, there is a similarity. For both of these creative endeavors, the elements of good design apply. After that for me it couldn’t be more different. One is sedentary and has you spending lots of time sitting in front of a computer screen. The other involves physical movement, with the freedom to be more spontaneous, with only the  boundary of the canvas and materials being the limit. In the end both offer a creative satisfaction of doing something new. I’ll be sharing images of my new work in future newsletters.


Lance Pierson ( located in Healdsburg. has created a clever new way to frame your artwork. He has designed and patented a frame that you can easily remove and replace a painting into. So if you get tired of looking at a painting, you can easily change it out for a different work of art. You can contact Lance for pricing, sizes and more info at (707) 540-5892. I’ll have a sample frame at my upcoming workshops.

There’s still time to sign up for a workshop this month. Here are the upcoming workshops for the month of February.

February 13 All Day Saturday Workshop / Saturday 10–5 
February 14
 Introductory Mixed Media Painting Workshop / Sunday 1–4:30
February 21 Introductory Mixed Media Painting Workshop / Sunday 1–4:30

Visit my website here for more information about workshops at my studio.







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